The last couple of months of progress around MetaCartel has been enabled via a BinanceX Fellowship. Thank you to the BinanceX team (Flora and Teck) for believing in us as well as huge appreciation to Yele from Binance Labs for making the initial introduction.
The BinanceX Fellowship provided $15,000 USD in funding support throughout three months from the start of July to August to September. In this post, I would like to overview the progress and projects that the funding has enabled.
Funding breakdown (total 15,000 USD)
Peter ‘pet3rpan’ ($6,000) - MetaCartel commnity coordination
Fundraising and setting up the MetaCartel DAO, which to date roughly collected around 1,000 ETH, has 33 members and has provided over 12k USD in grant funding to prospective projects.
Ethereum DApp focused community development and coordination - building up a network of DApp developers/makers + hosting community calls ‘DApps! DApps! DApps!’ - you can see some of the recorded calls on youtube.
Hosted MetaCartel Demo Day, a one day summit focused on Web3 DApps during Berlin Blockchain week on the 19th of August with over 200 attendees.
Odyssy Automaton ($5000) - Pocket Moloch
Design and development of Moloch DAO contract’s first mobile compatible front end (contract based wallet UX experiment) that would serve as MetaCartel’s DAO front end. This project has become known as Pocket Moloch and is also used by Yang DAO, Trojan DAO and soon, more.
Alex Hoffmann ($1800) - MetaCartel DAO Operations
- Key contributor during the MetaCartel DAO’s early initiation startup phase and helped drive pre-launch and launch operations.
- Building a Massive Online Coordination Game. A modular plug & play system for autonomous humans and decentralized organizations to coordinate in creation and exchange of value with least friction possible.
Other expenses ($1200) - Misc.
- Funding the seed capital of $500 USD to Yang DAO
- Additional funding support to run MetaCartel Demo Day