This proposal is to partially fund the development (and open sourcing) of course material for a University Level course: “An Introduction to Blockchains and Decentralised Autonomous Organisations”. We believe the first of its kind in the world that focusses on DAOs and could be an important step in moving DAOs into mainstream adoption.
Amount requested US$2k We will be apply for funding from 3 groups: Aragon, DAOStack and Metacartel. If we get approved from at least 2 then we will proceed. If only approved by one group then the proposal won’t go ahead and funds will be returned to that group.
The key objective is to grow the community by:
- Educating/inspiring a class of people new to this space
- Helping to create/grow a community of educators around the world
- Creating positive news headlines that help to make DAOs better known
As MetaCartel is a relative new comer to this space, but gathering momentum, I believe important that more people are aware of it (and the differences from the more established platforms like DAOStack/Aragon/Colony).
The first course is now confirmed at Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand and will begin in 11th November 2019. We are in discussion with Auckland University and will approach other Universities in Australia. Note that currently it wouldn’t be offered online / distance learning, one of our objectives is to encourage localised communities to flourish.
The course would be a 6 week module consisting of 30 hrs of “face to face” lectures/tutorials/workshops and 200 hours of student time. We are hoping that the group will build relationships and work together / support each other after the course.
This course is designed for non technical people as an introduction to the Blockchain and Decentralised Autonomous Organisations. It will include some hands-on programming (but no prior programming experience needed) and hands-on creating a real-life DAO’s on the Aragon, DAOStack and MetaCartel platforms. Areas covered will include (subject to change as the technology evolves):
- History/Background
- The evolution from Decentralised to Centralised
- Cyberpunks and The Crypto Anarchist whitepaper
- The Bitcoin whitepaper
- Ethereum and the smart contract platforms
- An introduction to decentralised data
- Hands on guide to wallets and token trading
- Ethereum and Smart Contracts
- Smart Contracts 101
- Hands on coding smart contracts
- Building Decentralised Applications (dApps)
- Reinventing projects and organisations
- New emergent decentralised social organisation models
- Agile & Open source
- Teal and Holacracy
- Introducing DAOs
- Concepts/philosophies/History
- Design principles
- Current landscape
- A look at the top 10 global DAO’s
- Introduction to the DAO platforms (Aragon, DAOstack, Colony, EOSDAC, MetaCartel)
- Hands-on Aragon, DAOStack, MetaCartel
- History/philosophy
- Creating a DAO
- Lessons learned from DAO communities
- The future of organisations, work and society
- Using token economics and DAO theory for a startup
- Using token economics and DAO theory for an existing organisation
- Liquid democracy and society reimagined
- Preparing for a decentralised future
Deliverables will be:
Deliverables (under open source licence and freely available for others to use) consist of the following:
- 2+ promotional activities within New Zealand (e.g. media or guest intro presentations). Notified to Telegram group. It is hoped that media activities get international attention.
- Google slides (or PPT) for each of the above course sections
- A “Coogle” mind map outlining the course structure and notes
- A Google doc descripting 5-10 “homework” / group exercises / including set up notes and success criteria
The course will be given by Mark Pascall. Mark ( is passionate about all things decentralised and blockchain. He is the founder of (a global team based out of New Zealand providing a range of services in the blockchain and Decentralised Autonomous Organisation space). He has also been an active contributor to the DAOStack Genesis DAO, was Executive Director of BlockchainNZ, co-founded, founded and has presented at over 30 conferences on blockchain related topics around the world over the last few years. He has been a Blockchain trainer at Tech Futures Lab and was part of the SingularityU New Zealand local faculty training.