Buddy Program/DAO-ships (name pending)
Situation: Many people want to join MetaCartel, but they need some interaction with cartel members first. This doesn’t just apply to current web3 people, but many who are just learning about web3 and are DAO curious. Many “know of” MC, but that’s about it.
Complication: This issue is that many MC Members are involved in many different projects. This makes the time they give back to the cartel very limited. But keeping members involved in a ton of projects is what makes MC unique.
What is interesting is that many MC members could use help or additional hands on some of their side/passion projects. Additionally, since members’ side work is not “upfront” MC sponsored work (rather is just work being done by an MC member), decisions can be made in a much quicker fashion.
Position: We create a MC “DAO-ships” Buddy Program. But rather than trying to get the cartel to create work projects to then get new members to do, MC members can choose to mentor/lead potential new members using short-term side projects/passion projects that the DAO members themselves don’t have time for. This allows potential new members to work with a MC member, for MC Members to vet a new member, and create a pipeline of new value creation within the MC name.
Each MC member can decide how to compensate those working with them, whether they sponsor part of the new member’s MC pledge, propose the work done to be counted as “sweat-equity”, or just straight-up pay the new member.
- New member finds someone to “sponsor” their web3 education
- They then propose themself to be taught by an MC Buddy
- The MC Buddy then works with the “learner” to build something that creates value for the Chili Token.
At a high level, this is reframing the cohort model from being consensus on a centralized initiative, to making a cohort the amalgamation of all the individual projects MC members are doing.
Would propose that would be easy to quickly test to measure effectiveness.