Hello MetaCartel! I am very new to knowing such communities exist and I am quickly learning what they are all about, so far I’m a big fan of what you all do. In light of the current situation the world is faced with, I am requesting a small grant to pursue the MetaSpace experiment.
The Vision
MetaSpace is a starting point for what could turn into a hub for Web3 wellness. It would house meditation, breathing exercises, yoga/movement, discussions and learning experiences for people to utilize no matter where in the world they are. Every experience would be specifically targeted to Web3 communities hosted via live stream. Each person can participate from the comfort of their own space and be anonymous if they choose. This creates a low risk, safe container for people to release, explore and learn while receiving guidance from a wellness professional. By providing the tools of yoga, movement, mediation and discussion, we can shift people’s energy and collectively propel communities forward.
Phase 1 of MetaSpace will be five weeks of live streams targeted at bringing Web3 communities together with two sessions happening per week. Each session could include 30-45 minutes of movement, 15-30 minutes and breathing and meditation, and 15-30 minutes of discussion on a specific topic such as: focus, mindfulness, empathy, creativity, etc. I will look to the community of MetaCartel for what they would like to discuss so these events can be catered to the needs of your community.
These sessions could be live streamed using or zoom, and are intended to help individuals collectively foster balance and peace so that each person can find clarity and feel grounded in their work and their personal lives.
In my mind, community is what it’s all about. How can we as a community support each other, take care of each other, foster each other’s growth so that we can continue the natural cycle of evolution on a personal level and collective level? I want this* to be a community funded project that is for the community that it serves. In this way there is an exchange of energy between the two.
In the future, if this initiative does well, I would like to expand this project- reaching out to more organizations, bringing more people in from my field and expanding the global reach with the intention of making it a fully sustainable project.
Moving Forward
What I am asking from MetaCartel is a grant for $1000 and feedback about the sessions. What is working, what do you want more of, is this serving you? I’d also be glad to have help with things like graphic design, developing a project road-map, and the user experience.
Thank you for considering this proposal
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