DAO Proposal: Trust - A Graphic Novel that Teaches African Kids About Blockchain

MetaCartel Ventures Grant - Trust Graphic Novel


Trust is a graphic novel that tells the story of a young Kenyan woman who learns about blockchain and uses it to transform her community. The goal of the project is to grow the global blockchain community in the locations where people’s lives will be most transformed by the impact - in developing countries. By telling a story that is culturally relevant, we can help our readers see a future that is free from the issues they experience in their daily lives, while also providing them with the tools to create that future. The book will directly cover the basics (including DAOs), but it will also link to learning resources and training opportunities to help readers take the next step to becoming crypto users, entrepreneurs, and developers. We want to inspire the next generation of Africans to build with blockchain and be an integral part of the community.

The team includes graphic novelist and storyteller Chief Nyamweya of Kenya, and blockchain educator and investor, Anne Connelly of Canada. We will distribute an open-access, mobile-first digital version through key partnerships with tech and education networks. Our goal is to reach over 1 million African youth.


To date, we have mapped out the characters and storyline for the 120 page book, completed the first chapter, and secured a publisher. We have begun making key partnerships in the space.

Our Funders

  • Interchain Foundation
  • Consensys Grants
  • Marketing DAO
  • Gitcoin Grants

Our Educational Partners

  • Africa Blockchain Institute (Rwanda)
  • Bithub Africa/Melanin Institute (Kenya)
  • Blockgeeks (Canada)
  • Gitcoin Kernel (US)
  • Consensys Academy (US)
  • Blockchain Academy (South Africa)
  • More to come

Other Supporters for Distribution

  • BitPesa

Our most recent progress update (with art!) can be found here: https://medium.com/@anneconnelly/trust-graphic-novel-c087f9f7ad59

Proposal Ask

We have two requests of the MetaCartel community

  1. A grant of $2,000 - To ensure free access for youth across the continent, we are seeking $40K total in funding for the project and we have already raised $29K. The funding from MetaCartel will support the artist’s payment and the creation of the digital booksite.

  2. Distribution Support - In order to achieve our goal of reaching 1 million kids, we need support to distribute and promote the free digital book across as many networks as possible. We will work with our partners on the continent to reach their networks, however given MetaCartel’s reach, it could have a significant impact in getting more visibility for the book and reaching even more kids around the globe.

I am excited about this project,

I am an African as it happens,

Blockchain will have the highest developmental impact in the third world of which Africa is a significant part, It is therefore imperative that our children gain mastery of the technology very early in life. Thanks for this project.

Thanks for your kind message! We’re so glad to have your support. If you know of any good organizations or groups that we can send the book to, please let me know!

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Here’s a blog full of updates on the project! https://www.trustgraphicnovel.com/update-1/x73aycfi249vnlomnlxl2hw1r92sop-8epy4

We’ve just posted a teaser video for the animated version of the graphic novel! You can check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55gnwsjAKkw