Yes3 is a Q&A based endorsement DApp . The endorsee-centric model lets users ask for endorsements from people they regard as qualified.For example, I can ask vitalik.eth “Am I an insightful thinker on Ethereum POS governance?” , he can choose answers from yes, no, idk. Endorsements will be recorded on chain and users can display these endorsements as SBTs across all ecos. Yes3 then show an endorsement graph to users to help them navigate the relationships.
You can check out our demo video here , only 4mins. (No need to read the long descriptions in the link).
You can also try running on polygon mumbai testnet ( it is still buggy: if you mint new question template, be sure to put some words in contexts)
Get some sense of the kind of endorsements enabled by Yes3 through several examples:
Ask “Am I a good team mate in Eth Shanghai hackathon? “ to your teammates who won a hackathon prize before.
Ask “Do you recommend me to work at Protocol Labs?” to someone working at Protocol Labs.
Ask “Are you pleasant discussing philosophy with me? “ to a friend you just had dinner with.
We wanna explore new kinds of social relations other than follow, like, comment, etc. We wanna build structured relations that are semantically explicit(questions and answers/endorsements on specific aspects) to make the social graph more understandable by both end users and graph analysis algorithms. We believe these semantic relations will empower users to easier navigate their 3rd or higher degree connections with thematic contexts.
We aim to build the most interoperable on-chain endorsement dapp. We use ERC721 and welcome anyone build with us together, and use/embed Yes3 in their own dapps/ecos(lens, farcaster, cyberconnect, nextID, etc.).
Although we plan to use Q&A mainly for endorsement at the beginning, we believe this Q&A relation can be used for other purposes as well: permission, promise, opinion pooling, etc.
We wish Yes3 to become a human oracle layer for a soft credential system/event notary system. Through endorsements, The credibility of users with sufficient on chain behaviors can transfer to users without . In the future, We hope to build on top a staking mechanism to incentivize users to give honest answers to others(possibly penalize some proved-to-be-wrong endorsements) .
We wish Yes3 to become a base layer for treaty-making in metaverse, as other dapps can read a QNA relations and execute accordingly.
0 from a general social perspective: People have limited ways to understand and access their 2nd degree connection, and do not have any good ways for 3rd or higher degree connections.
1 from a web3 onboarding perspective: Before one makes achievements, one will have difficulty gaining trust and participating in building web3, making it harder for one to make achievements.
2 from a product marketing perspective: Most social app is not usable when not many people are using it, so it is very hard to cold start an even very nicely built social app.
0 To better navigate high degree connections, Yes3 lets users create semantically explicit relations(endorsements on specific aspects) with each other, making users to understand how friends&higher degree connections are connected, and approach people they are interested with relevant contexts and certain degree of trust based upon endorsement relations and qualified endorsers.
1 One way to identify good no-experienced new builders is through referring, Yes3 allow new builders to carefully request, select and design their reputations through question-answering based endorsements, so that they can better gain trust from others and join building.
2 In terms of the cold start problem, you can use yes3 effectively even when only a few people use it : firstly, the endorser do not need to be a user of yes3 to give his or her endorsement, he merely need to open your link, connect wallet and sign(no gas fee). Secondly, the people you are show endorsement SBTs to do not need to be users of yes3, as NFTs can be viewed any where.
Side note : types of qualified endorsers (ones with onchain/online evidence)
Universal credibility: e.g. vitalik.eth
Credibility from acquaintance: e.g. a friend you think highly of
Universal feature credibility: e.g. BAYC holder, Github 2000+ stars
Case-specific feature credibility: e.g. a banklessDAO steward on banklessDAO issues
Endorsement credibility: e.g. one with endorsements from previous type of endorsers
our demo video shows current product well .
An asker need mint an SBT when ask a question. The question can be answered by multiple endorsers. When endorser answers, the SBT metadata would be updated. Later, the asker can select which endorsement to show on the SBT.
An asker can only ask a question from an existing question template; every question template is an NFT(asker do not need to own nft template to ask the question); if an asker want to ask a new question, he or she needs to first mint a question template NFT.
The NFT holder can show their name on NFT template page; we may give holders some governance power later.
This design is to encourage askers to reuse existing question when possible, so that graph relation can be easily formed. We will also add an NLP algorithm later to let users/devs aggregate similar questions to form bigger graphs.
We have just finished this prototype in ETH global online hackathon, and haven’t put it into market. We interviewer approximately 20 friends, all of whom told us they are willing to use/try it. We also contacted rss3 and knn3, who are willing to support displaying and querying data from yes3. Honestly speaking, the product needs more validation.
We have built the core function, everything in the demo video functions well including creating question templates, asking and answering questions, , configuring the display of SBTs, displaying simple graph relation of questions.
Next step
We plan to fix minor bugs and deploy the app to polygon main-net soon.
In next two month, we plan to add following functionalities:
1 question aggregation NLP algorithms running off chain
2 better graph display
3 better display of credentials of endorsers
4 embed yes3 in mirror through iframe
5 support more Identities: twitter, .bit, .lens, etc.
1 find KOLs that are willing to answer some questions
2 convince some big DAOs to promote yes3 as a crossDAO reputation tool
3 convince some NFT projects to generate white lists upon the kind of endorsers the get yes from for a certain question. for example, a “yes” from an BAYC holder on question “Will you stake your additional apes in XXXX for some XXXX coins”, may give a user a whitelist on XXXX pre mint or pass.
4 convince some big viewership mirror authors to embed Yes3 in their article like “is this a beginner friendly introduction to account abstraction”
There are many SBT DApps out there including the famous POAP, so what is so different and awesome about Yes3?
Yes3 is an asker-centric, endorsee-centric DApp. Because the asker is the one who owns and will display the endorsement SBTs, we think the asker has better incentive to create this SBT. And thus we put the main burden of using Yes3 to the asker. Yes3 also gives the asker the right to choose the specific aspect the asker wants to be endorsed, and to choose endorsers who the asker believes are qualified.
Yes3 is a bottom up way to distribute SBTs. Unlike dapps like POAP, which needs the project team to issue, anyone can create their own Yes3 SBTs, and get credibility from people they see fit. This feature also enables more decentralized governance in DAO, as any members can propose SBTs that they think important for the specific DAO context without configurations of DAO steward.
Yes3 encourages the reuse(and NLP aggregation) of same endorsement question NFTs so that credibility can flow from people with on chain credentials to others and endorsement graph can be formed. These semantically rich graphs can be read directly by users for intuitive understanding of their social relations, or can be analyzed by algorithms: friends recommendation, jobs/candidates recommendation, soul drops, decentralization degree measurement etc.
Compared to LinkedIn endorsement, yes3 emphases less on number of endorsements but rather the quality of endorsements. Yes3 also lets users to define the specific aspects to be endorsed.
we are quite young.
0xYihan : PM and Mkt
twitter: 0xYihan
cs@CMU, Core contributor at PlanckerDao ,CGreenpill; Rep of Gitcoin Gr15 Greater China Eco Round; Cofounder of Stoooges Education. Stoooges has 150 full time employees and around 500 new students per year. Yihan has considerable experience in managing organizations and building communities.
onjas_buidl : PM, UI/UX and Mkt
twitter: onjas_buidl
recent graduate from top-tier US university with econ/data majors, working as a crypto researcher for a crypto VC.
yanffyy : solidity engineer
cs at Duke; been a miner, perp trader, vc data analyst in crypto…; Now focusing on buidl, advocating for all genders in tech, and leading the dev of a non-profit student performance tracking platform.
acttmer : full-stack engineer
sociology at University Washington Seattle , a proficient full-stack software developer with years of experiences in coding for his startups and other leading tech companies, including Bytedance, iQIYI and so on.
nanjiangwill : solidity engineer
csat UCSD, AI Research at Berglab , at Baidu Research; been a vc analyst in crypto. Currently focusing on ZK/full stack development.
Grant Request $
we want to use the money to subsidize gas fee for better adoption.
We aim to build this social app in a community-driven fashion. Thus we really want help of customer acquiring, community development, branding.