🌴 How to join MetaCartel DAO?

:no_entry: MetaCartel is currently closed to new membership :no_entry:

You may send donations to the DAO by depositing ERC-20 tokens of your choice on Gnosis chain to DAOhaus.

  1. Get DAO membership via a grant from MetaCartel:
    🏦 [GUIDE] How to post a funding proposal

  2. Get involved and do work for the DAO to earn your way in (read more below)

How do you work your way in?

MetaCartel rewards DAO membership of 1 share to those who have shown an extraordinary effort in contributing to the MetaCartel ecosystem. This path relies on one’s own initiative and drives to get shit done and prove yourself via blood, sweat, and tears.

If you want to go this route jump into our Discord and ask how to get started MetaCartel DAO :clapper:

What do you recommend to get started?

  • Read and go through MetaCartel’s reading list here: Home Β· metacartel/mission Wiki Β· GitHub (Overview of the MetaCartel: mission and values, vision of Web 3, underlying beliefs)
  • Join our telegram chat (you can find it on the footer of our website via QR code metacartel.org)
  • DM and message any of the MetaCartel members, reach out if you want to get involved with any certain / specific project.