Looking for partnerships: Blockchain online voting!

NERV - Network Emergency Response Volunteers

We are a DAO committed to help societies become less autocratic by developing and implementing digital tools in politics.

Landing page: https://evotingweb3.carrd.co/
Pitch deck: https://www.canva.com/design/DAE8WEALpH8/yA0w4W1rYD_KyjexnAomxQ/view?utm_content=DAE8WEALpH8&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=homepage_design_menu

We have finished our alpha product, implemented in solidity and the same came be readily deployed to at least 10 countries rapidly: Belgium, Cabo Verde, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Perú, Portugal and Uruguay. We can deploy in other countries as well although a closer look at the eID providers would need to be taken.

At the moment we are founding a digital party in Portugal which we hope to go live this year.

Our goal for 2022 as well is to establish our first partnerships and future stakeholders, the reason why I am creating this topic. Please feel free to ask any questions concerning our work!