Melting Bears (Web3 project)

Melting Bears is a Web3 project focused on environmental conservation through engaging and innovative solutions. Our ecosystem includes a pixel game, an AI-driven app, NFTs, and a marketplace, all designed to promote eco-friendly behaviors and reduce carbon footprints.


  1. Building a strong community
  2. Releasing pixel game
  3. Mint the collection
  4. Eco friendly tea is delivered to the holders
  5. Start planting trees
  6. 1st phase of Airdrop
  7. Launch an AI-app
  8. Creating a marketplace

Problems & Solutions
Undoubtedly, the problems of global warming and climate change are very important and critical issues that have become a major problem in many societies. So, it requires urgent attention
Therefore, we have decided to initiate a project to help prevent this phenomenon. Our goal is to encourage people to adopt a lifestyle that contributes to environmental preservation and mitigates global warming. This involves reducing carbon emissions, promoting sustainable practices, and increasing awareness of the importance of environmental conservation. We hope that the continuation of this project will help us bring about positive and sustainable changes in people’s lives and contribute to preserving the health of our planet for future generations.

How to Solve
We aim to accomplish this through tree planting trees and the development of our application. Our application will incentivize people to earn tokens by engaging in environmentally friendly activities.
Through this initiative, we hope to encourage individuals to adopt eco-friendly behaviors and contribute to environmental preservation while also rewarding them for their efforts.
With Melting Bears, every action counts. For every NFT minted, we pledge to plant a tree in partnership with ‘’Longview Carbon Farms’’, contributing to reforestation efforts and environmental conservation.
For each NFT holders, a matcha tea pack from the “bird & blend” will be given. This tea, like other products of this company, is eco-friendly.
We are in the process of creating a platform where users can purchase eco-friendly products using project tokens. NFT collection holders will enjoy exclusive benefits and discounts in the Marketplace, further incentivizing participation and engagement within our community.


The Web 3 market is expected to grow to 107 billion dollars in 2025. stands as one of the most promising investment opportunities in the realm of technology.
Our target market includes individuals actively involved in the Web 3 space, as well as those interested in environmental problems and they’re looking for a healthy life.
Also, by creating innovative solutions and providing value-added services to the Web 3 community, we can create a profitable environment for our investors and business partners.

Business Model
We have a comprehensive revenue generation strategy that encompasses diverse monetization avenues such as in-app purchases, the Marketplace, in-app advertising, gamification, and other tailored plans.
By offering multiple streams of revenue, we aim to appeal to a wide range of investors and business partners. Our flexible approach allows us to adjust our revenue models based on the preferences and feedback of our stakeholders, ensuring maximum profitability and return on investment.
With our proven track record and innovative revenue generation techniques, we are confident in our ability to attract investors who recognize the potential for substantial returns in this lucrative market.

The Melting Bears has made significant progress so far. We are currently in the phase of building a vibrant and active community that actively participates through social media and online events.14,000 members on the farm and X account with organic followers and great impressions. The game is in the testing and bug-fixing stage and will be released soon. The MBL token is currently in the farming phase on Farm Site. Additionally, the beta version of the AI-application will be released after the NFT collection mint.

Differentiation & Competitive Advantage
Our edge over other projects in Web 3 lies in our focus on tackling real-world global issues. In a landscape where advanced technologies like AI, blockchain and etc, are prevalent, projects genuinely addressing social and environmental challenges are rare. However, we stand out by prioritizing the resolution of one of the greatest global challenges: climate change.
This poses a significant threat to all societies, from rising temperatures to natural disasters.
Our commitment is to offer innovative, sustainable solutions to combat climate change, guiding humanity towards adaptation and sustainability. This focus distinguishes us in the Web 3 realm, positioning us as leaders in addressing this crucial issue.


Grant Request
Amount requested: $10,000

Funds will go on completion of the production and further development and maintenance of the project.

Additional Resources

  1. MeltingBears


  3. Pitch Deck

  4. About game

  5. White paper

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