Hello guys. I just secured the event for “The year of DAOs”
Date: 6th Oct (2~6pm) Place: Central Osaka [To be announced] Description: Now that all the major DAO frameworks (Aragon, Moloch, DaoStack, and Colony) are on mainnet, we want to celebrate the success of the many DAOs by having an evening session inviting they key members of each DAO and talk about their projects as well as how we can collaborate to strengthen the DAO communities. Focus: I would like to focus what you can do with DAO using tools and frameworks available right now rather than talking about what could be possible which tend to become very abstract.
Call for content and speakers: I was initially thinking about having a few panel sessions but now have longer time slot so we have some design space to plan the event. If you have any speakers/moderators you want us to invite or specific topics which you want to hear (which goes in line with the Focus section described), please write down in the comment.
From Unchained podcast “Why Ryan Zurrer Would Like to See a New DAO” Rayn Zurrer (currently proposing new The DAO) brings up an episode when he talked to Christoph Jentzch about the DAO and get his blessing. Wondering if they can replicate the discussion about what lessons Christoph (or anyone involved deeply into The DAO project then) learnt through The DAO incident.
Multiple platforms partnering to accept the same NFT for different things. Say a ticket to an event also gets you a free coffee across the street or day at a co-working space in Osaka or make you run faster in an RPG game. Everyone writing their own little redeemer mechanism either on central servers or decentralized if that’s needed. I just like the idea of an interoperable assets non needing permission form the minter or minting platform to do whatever they want.
maybe some kind of NFT scavenger hunt for talking to each sponsor. if you collect them all you get a prize. people may team up or collude but that seems ok