Hello MetaCartel fam ~~
I’m Ross Campbell, and have written a short blurb introducing myself here
My focus is largely in the area of scripting together smart contracts and legal wrappers to handle corporate governance and deals, so I am excited to learn more about MetaCartel and the many projects that are being accelerated by its energy.
To get granular, I have so far:
Established (perhaps?) the first Limited Liability DAO, Open, ESQ LLC, building from my earlier research between Aragon and OpenLaw.
Established method for Tokenizing Contracts using Legal Script and Ethereum token “factory”
Established (perhaps?) first DAO-DAO legal transaction (Sale of Goods, ‘t-shirt’) // first cross-platform TX between Aragon <-> DAOstack organizations.
Contributed DAO legal services on behalf of OpenEsquire to form MetaWorks LLC in Colorado as a homestate LLC for Abridged / MetaCartel banking and other services that might require human agents to ‘cross the finish line’ for MetaCartel and similar opportunities, as well as MetaCartel Series LLC in Delaware to provide a umbrella “operating” organization to support quick deployments of limited liabilities DAOs that are incubated by MetaCartel membership.
& made a bunch of puns along the wei with other accouterments ~~~ codeslaw ya’ll
I would like to tip my hat for MetCartel membership and pledge 1 wETH from 0xb6A984f5a4a846F90863Bfec3a10b36Ece7a5C72 for 1 MetaCartel share to even more align and have skin the game, as it were. I have also signed a pledge recorded in the form of a digital covenant on Ethereum to not ragequit such share(s) for 2 years, as can be reviewed in this TX and the associated dcNumber, ‘5’:
cheers! ``````