Gm grant candidates!
This guide can be used to walk you through the steps needed to place your grant request online.
This is for grant requests that have already been presented and received a soft approval from the MetaCartel community.
Preparation: Set up MetaMask with Gnosis
You will need a wallet with some xDai on the Gnosis Chain (formerly xDai Chain), as well as some wrapped xDai (will need 10), if the spam prevention filter is on. If you already have this, or know how to do this, you can skip these next steps.
- Download, install and setup MetaMask if you need to from
- Go to
- Search “Gnosis”
- Connect wallet if needed, and add network (ChainID 100) to MetaMask (switch to this network)
- If you have at least ~10.5 xDai to work with already, great, otherwise let one of the MetaGuides know and we can get you some to get you going.
- Assuming the spam filter is on: You will need to have 10 xDai wrapped. You can do this at
Submit DAOhaus Proposal:
- Go to proposals page for MetaCartel on DAOhaus:
- Connect your wallet, and make sure you’re on Gnosis chain
- Click the “New Proposal +” at the top
If this is your first grant, your proposal can include a request for 1 share in the DAO. Follow Option 1 below.
If you already hold a share to the DAO, see Option 2 for instructions on placing a funding proposal only.
Option 1: Grant funding + DAO share
You’ll want “Request Shares For Work Completed”, which should be accessible through the default Favorites list
First thing on the form, if there is a notice saying “Spam filtering is ON” then hit “More +” and add “Tribute Offered”, and add 10 WXDAI. You may need to approve your tokens, in which case, approve 10 WXDAI, then refresh the page to ensure the data if fresh and start again.
Title: Name of your project will do
Shares Requested: 1
Link: Paste link to forum post about the grant request (remove “https://”)
Description: Quick 1-2 line summary of the funds being requested
Under the “More +” menu, add both “Payment Requested” and “Tribute Offered” (Tribute offered is only required if the spam filter is turned on)
Payment Requested: (Amount requested) WXDAI
Tribute Offered: 10 WXDAI (Spam prevention mechanism for post to not be filtered out)
Option 2: Grant funding (No share)
From the dropdown, change to the “The Classics” list of proposals. You’ll want “Funding Proposal” to get the funds from the treasury.
First thing on the form, if there is a notice saying “Spam filtering is ON” then hit “More +” and add “Tribute Offered”, and add 10 WXDAI. You may need to approve your tokens, in which case, approve 10 WXDAI, then refresh the page to ensure the data if fresh and start again.
Title: Name of your project will do
Description: Quick 1-2 line summary of the funds being requested
Recipient: 0x address where you’d like the funds to be sent
Payment Requested: (Amount requested) WXDAI
Link: Paste link to your forum post about the grant request for your project (remove “https://”)
If spam filtering is on: Under the “More +” menu, add “Tribute Offered”
Tribute Offered: 10 WXDAI (Spam prevention mechanism for post to not be filtered out)
Double check everything, then submit. After it’s on chain, ping one of us and we’ll get it sponsored when the window opens up.
Let us know if this helped or if you spot anything that needs fixing!