Gutting The Chili and Other Acts of DAO Disobedience
MetaCartel has cultivated a community of builders, enthusiasts, and DAO maxi’s over the past 3 years, it’s been a blast to coordinate with all of you and to have this opportunity for community building with such a talented group of humans.
It is my firm belief that MetaCartel has been suffering from a listless direction as it regards funding decisions, on-boarding new members, and maximizing our impact across the ecosystem for sometime.
We raised the initial funding for grants. As of now, I am no longer confident the DAO is in a position to correctly steward the capital hence the plan of returning funds to members via GuildKick.
You can see the proposal’s below for refunding the major shareholders below, effectively distributing the treasury back to the addresses that allocated it in the first place:
DAOhaus Prop 284
DAOhaus Prop 283
DAOhaus Prop 282
DAOhaus Prop 281
DAOhaus Prop 280
DAOhaus Prop 279
DAOhaus Prop 278
DAOhaus Prop 277
DAOhaus Prop 276
DAOhaus Prop 275
I realized that not making a forum post before triggering these proposals was a cardinal mistake stemming from the heated Telegram back and forth but as you will see they are not sponsored so they are effectively signal posts as of now.
I intended to use this forum to share my reasoning for dissolving the DAO treasury by refunding the balance, as I have removed myself from the Telegram thread to allow those who want to continue to coordinate to do so unimpeded.
Before we go into that, a few relevant proposals that have popped up and are currently in a voting period
Removing the entire treasury to a safe minion, proposed by @joseph which would remove all members ability to remove their funds altogether, currently failing and will continue to fail IMO.
Rage kicking me, currently failing, no logic or forum post, but ok
Now to the point, this DAO has been very successful at aligning a group of individuals towards a shared goal, creating a cultural schelling point for builders, and empowering dapp developers with resources through grants. We raised more money than we ever initially intended to during a bear market cycle that had ETH prices around $100, seeing that sky rocket meant our measly treasury soared into the millions yay but also, “mo money mo problems”
It didn’t happen at first but slowly one by one, the brain drain of our most OG and active members started happening , people went on to found projects, protocols, and investment organizations and raise millions of dollars of their own to extend the meme of MetaCartel but in that process we lost our elders, the most knowledgeable and wise keepers of the MetaCartel flame, this is natural and more power to them, go forth and plant seeds, while at the same time a new cohort of eager and interested members are clamoring to join the DAO and do some good.
Yet with no one to guide them, no firm policies in place for them to rely on the existing system based on shared vision and aligned understanding breaks down, people stop paying attention, mistakes are made, DAO proposals are processed without any oversights, the treasury begins to bleed out and decisions are made by a highly centralized ops team that has no accountability or feedback loop to the founders of this DAO. This point is not intended to point fingers or to “blame” anyone at all, people wanted to be helpful, be a part of something and that is human nature, but from my perspective keeping a train running with no tracks ahead is a path bound for disaster.
“Though wise men at their end know dark is right,”
Without a comprehensive strategy to reboot the DAO and fire up a new version of ecosystem empowerment we are essentially shotgunning the remaining funds into the ecosystem, we don’t even know the current status of the last 10-15 grants that we gave out, where are they now ? How were the funds used ? What good has that done ?
…and with no person stepping up to steward that new direction I feel it is fiscally irresponsible to leave the remaining funds in the DAO and say farewell, I would rather see the funds returned to our unengaged share holders, as well as any members who want to ragequit the current DAO do so and fire up new forks, new experiments with smaller groups that have higher trust and alignment than the current DAO does. I do not believe we can reconcile the current governance of the DAO, nor do I want to try and coordinate with people who are adamantly against accepting the reality of the situation and are willing to sit idly by while other peoples money is spent to no good end.
The remaining treasury does not belong to us, we are simply stewards of those funds raised many years ago, ultimately it belongs to the DAO members, engaged or unengaged and my proposal just reflects that fact.
At the end of this is my belief that MetaCartel is more than a treasury, it’s more than a grant giving organization, it’s achieved more than most projects in the ecosystem and it will forever live as a part of this communities lore, but nothing lives forever, nothing stays the same, change will forever be the constant.
Don’t resist this opportunity to recreate MetaCartel, to kill one thing so that 5 may rise in it’s place, we have flown so high and done so many amazing experiments but we have flown to close to the sun, tried to scale to large and now there is nothing for us to do but go gentle into that good night
That is all, I harbor no malice or ill will towards any of the members of this group, this is not a personal attack or a witch hunt. I will proceed to sponsor my proposals after the treasury hostage proposal fails to show that the I am simply executing on the will of the majority, silent or otherwise…