🌊 Share 'what DApp you are working on' thread

Hey all!

I am working on MetaCartel DAO, Yang DAO and Kitty DAO. What dapp are you working on?

  1. What is the name of your dapp?
  2. Is it live? Do you have a link?
  3. Describe it in less than 3 sentences!
  1. Podcrypt
  2. It is live on Ethereum, currently in alpha, beta to follow by the end of July: https://podcrypt.app
  3. Podcrypt enables automatic, peer-to-peer, and fair podcast donations. It does this by allowing listeners to setup one recurring donation that is split amongst their podcasts based on time listened.

More background information: https://hackernoon.com/podcrypt-automatic-fair-peer-to-peer-podcast-donations-with-ether-f0a638111410

  1. Poketto
  2. It’s live on the App Store and soon on the Play Store https://poketto.cash
  3. Poketto is the simplest, most secure and fastest wallet for everyday use. An app that you can actually show to your parents. A wallet for everyone, everywhere. Users shouldn’t have to wait long periods of time to have their transactions validated, need to memorise long abstract addresses or use anything other than their phones to interact with the network.

A bit more info on our blog: https://blog.donesunday.com/post/poketto/hello-poketto https://blog.donesunday.com/post/poketto/integrating-private-transactions

  1. Idle
  2. The Alpha version is live on Ethereum mainnet: https://idle.finance/
  3. We are tokenizing the best interest rate across different lending protocols on Ethereum money market. This product allows users to optimize profitability and seamlessly get the highest yield, without having to manually switch the funds between lending protocol. By buying and holding IdleDAI (an ERC20) tokens your underlying DAI position will be automatically rebalanced when the best rate changes to always give you the most profitable return.
  1. Guac

  2. A decentralized index :ledger: check out the dapp, running live on Kovan testnet.

  3. What’s the problem of decentralizing Scihub? Hint: not hosting the data itself. That’s what IPFS/torrents are useful for. It’s that we don’t have an organised index for all the types of queries (title, DOI, etc) - ie we don’t know how to get from A to B.

    That’s what I’m designing with Guac. Curation will be rewarded with a token, but it’s not a competitive landscape like a TCR. More like Reddit/StackOverflow where you generate reputation, and that yields you influence within the community. More to come on this… :wink:

  1. Email Newsletter DAO
  2. Not live (link)
  3. A DAO which controls a shared email list. Anyone can propose to send emails to this list, and the DAO members curate the content (initial focus will be on the DAO space). Every 2 weeks, an email is sent from all of the approved content.

Let me know if interested! Super simple experiment and great use case to play with.

  1. Tokenfolio
  2. Live for Ethereum tokens, working on Binance tokens - https://www.tokenfolio.cc/
  3. Tokenfolio lets you balance your crypto portfolio programmatically, in the least amount of trades possible, to chosen percentages. Tokenfolio uses the kyber network for the backend and is designed to be as streamlined and the easiest dex to use.

You can check out how it works on youtube - https://youtu.be/6cfVeG2ga-U


We are working on:

  1. Stake Capital DAO
  2. Mid August / Berlin Blockchain Week
  3. Decentralised Digital Assets Management

Twitter: https://twitter.com/StakeCapital
Telegram Group: https://t.me/joinchat/C6n3gxfA6wPvz-VisX5z-g

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  1. Alice Finance
  2. It’s live on PlayStore and AppStore(interacts with ethereum and plasmachain). https://alice.finance
  3. Alice Finances is a trustless and reliable crypto finance mobile app. It offers 8% APR of DAI savings and multi-collateral loans. Alice is turning into a DAO in a few months.
  1. Wildcards

  2. Softlaunch on Ethereum mainnet: wildcards.world
  3. Always for sale digital conservation tokens. Redefining patronage and donations to conservation through a fun, engaging and profit incentivized platform. Born out of ETHCapeTown

Linked to Always for Sale Ads a project born out of ETHIndia to further fund Wildcards moving to an incubator program at Station F in Paris

  1. alwaysforsale

  2. Live on the Ethereum mainnet (alpha stage): alwaysforsale.io
  3. Always for sale digital ad space, represented as NFT's. Simply visit our website, and purchase an ad space (NFT). This will allow you to change the ad space image and URL. You can even profit when someone buys the ad space from you :) Using IPFS for maximum decentralisation! Born out of #ETHIndia2019 from team #wildcards

Join our telegram! Wildcards / Always for Sale Ads

  • fulcrum.trade & torque.loans
  • fulcrum.trade is live, torque.loans will be live in around a week.
  • Fulcrum is a completely decentralized lending and margin trading platform. Torque is a completely decentralized borrowing platform that allows users to borrow against ETH any many ERC20s. Torque is also unique in that it is both an app and a dApp, i.e., you can use web3 wallets, or you can borrow against ETH collateral by simply sending it to an ENS domain (e.g., dai.tokenloans.eth to borrow DAI; usdc.tokenloans.eth to borrow USDC, etc.).
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Burner Vote

Got an opnion? Burn some ETH to prove it.

A general purpose signaling mechanism built on Ethereum.

Anyone can create an issue on which anyone can signal their preference for or against by sending any amount of ETH to the corresponding Ethereum address.

Signals are interpreted client-side.

Initially, our frontend will interpret the signals quadratically, using BrightID as a proof of uniqueness. But we hope to build out a variety of different methods for analyzing signals.

This project was started at ETHNewYork, since then we’ve put some work into the UI designs and will kick off a second round of development to get it up and running very soon.

Would love feedback and contributions from the MetaCartel community.


Grand Rising!

I am working on PCDC Auction House ecosystem. Looking to team with “Crypto Invest Summit” in California next month and want to really showcase the Use and awareness around NFTs!

  1. PCDC Auction House
  2. Our Dapp is live: https://out-li588hfua.now.sh/marketplace/ (Alpha stage)
  3. Artists, companies and schools can now create immutable virtual items; giving them true ownership and secure storage. We are facilitaing a new marketplace for this ecosystem!

A good read when I 1st started! https://medium.com/@pharah/p-c-d-c-auction-house-30574ca23f2e

We are at the point where we need funding and support to go to the next level!

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Hello everyone,

  1. Jarvis Exchange
  2. On the testnet, in an alpha version: https://app.jarvis.exchange
  3. Gain exposure to real financial market thanks to a network of market makers.

Hey everyone,

  1. Komodo
  2. On testnet right now: https://komodo.now.sh/
  3. A rehypothecation mechanism where crypto lenders earn compound interest and the borrowers on the platform pay lower interest rates compared to Compound/Fulcrum/dYdX
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This is very interesting would like to chat sometime in a private message.

1. Project Name:

gelato :icecream:

2. Is it live?

Working hard on it, but still takes some time. A first version to play around on Ropsten should be live pretty soon! Will share a link if ready. In the meantime: check out the code

3. Description

Think of IFTTT / Zapier for Ethereum. Users define a condition (e.g. if stability fee on Maker is below 7%) and an action (then sell all my MKR on Uniswap) which will get automatically executed on the users behalf in the future when the condition is met. It’s like an automation protocol underlying & connecting all current defi applications.

Feel free to dm for q’s! :slight_smile:

  1. The name of my DApp is called ‘‘HireDAO’’

  2. its not live yet. (Need funds)

  3. About : Blockchain developers can get jobs on this portal, exchange tasks/jobs and get paid in DAO.