Metaguides Update
Demo Daze
The Metaguides have now held 3 twitter spaces with a fourth one on the way this Friday at 1:00 EST
The space are held using the Metaguides twitter account @_metaguides
This week we will have @kokonutnetwork and @CryptononymousEcon telling us about the governance expansion bot.
Episode 1 Featured Hats Protocol with @spengrah @nintynick and David Ehrlichman
Episode 2 We had @danielo from RnDAO and jp4G from Battlezips
Episode 3 Was @CBobRobison from meTokens and G2 from @creative
The spaces events happen every two weeks. After episode 4, there may or may not be a 5th before the holidaze however there will be a break of aprox. 1 month before restarting in the New Year. If you wish to be a guest please reach out to @Christina Borrow Lucid to schedule. This offer is available for any Grant Recipient or for Meta Cartel members to come on and tell us about projects they are working on.
Or if you would like to contribute in anyway please reach out. We could use help cohosting, graphic design for promo material, POAP design, technical assistance during spaces event (looking after recordings, watching msg channels, accepting guests on stage), guest research). Oh yeah, there are no funds to pay its for the frens we meet along the way. Maybe we can fundraise eventually if it becomes a necessity, which it probably will at some point.
Metaguides Discord Server and PM Boards on Charmverse
Keeping everything in order for Demo Daze requires a fair amount of organization. With that I set up an instance on Charmverse to manage the event. You can see it (and join it) Here
As I was working on the Charmverse page I also became interested in gating access to the pages to DAO members, that led me to create a number of things.
I created a new Discord Server for the Metaguides. I felt this is important as it allows the Metaguides to operate as a DAO with a little more independence from The Meta Cartel Server. This will hopefully add to efficiency in planning the spaces events and any other events or functions the Metaguides choose to enable. If you would like to join the server it is located here. After completing onboarding (more on that in a minute), Meta Cartel members and Metaguide DAO members have full access to the server. There is also roles and access levels for “Guild” members and Grant Recipients.
In order to provide access control mechanisms to the server, I decided to test out This worked very nicely to create roles that are able to read member shares in both Meta Cartel and The Metaguides DAO. It is also set up to look for an NFT that grant recipients can claim that will give a level of access to grant recipients and any team members from recipients that wish to take part in the conversation. This enables the created Discord server to not only act as a Metaguides communications hub but also a meta hub for grant recipients to interact with each other and both grow and strengthen the Meta Cartel Ecosystem. You can see the Guild.XYZ setup here:
Questchain NFT for Grant Recipients (and DAO members if you wish to have one). In order to solve for allowing team members have gated access to areas of the server, beyond the single share granted to recipients a quest to “prove your grant” (or prove you DAO membership). You can see the quest to mint the NFT here: Metaguides Access - Gnosis Chain In the future it may be preferable to have a different method, preferably without leaving Discord, to mint a “Proof of Grant” NFT, this option was one of the better ones I was able to locate. Perhaps this will be a very good use case for the afore mentioned Hats Protocol
DAO On-boarding Design
As I started doing this I realized I was creating a basic model for DAO design using some of the most cutting edge Web3 tools available. Soon, much of it may be redone to reflect DAOhaus v3 if the Metaguides choose to go that route. This “experiment” stops before creating a DAO from scratch, as there already is one. If someone would ever like any help learning to summon a DAO on DAOhaus, I am always willing to do that. Reach out to me and we can book a time.
If you would like to try out the onboarding flow for yourself start here:
If you do it, and you find any problems in the process send me a message here or on Discord @boilerrat#8898
Forgive the difficult nature I have in joining the Metaguides Discord Server. I get hung up on server security and do everything I can to ward off bots so servers I set up, can be a bit of a pain to onboard onto but it is not without purpose.