🌱 MetaCartel DAO 101 — Welcome to MetaCartel DAO!

Welcome to the MetaCartel DAO’s community forum. This is where we…

  • Post and discuss DAO funding proposals
  • Talk about how to improve the DAO
  • Share resources and organize the surrounding community around MetaCartel DAO

What is the MetaCartel DAO?

MetaCartel is a community of various projects focused on discovering the next killer ‘DApp’.

We have a DAO ‘Decentralized Autonomous Organization’ that provides grant funding to various projects on the application layer to experiment with new usecases or to drive forward UX advancements. Here are some recommended links to read…

Introduction threads

:heart: Introduce yourself thread: If you are new to the MetaCartel community or have been around for a while, come and introduce yourself to the rest of the community!

:tophat: How to join the DAO: To join the DAO you must either pledge (donate) ETH or proposal work to be funded by the DAO - here are the instructions to do so.

:basketball: How to post a funding proposal: If you have a project that you think the DAO would want to fund or support in any way, please check out the instructions on how to lodge a funding proposal.

:books: Directory of all the DAO funding proposals: If you want to read and learn more about what has been funded and rejected, please check our DAO funding posts here.


:framed_picture: DApp ideas thread: If you have a cool idea for a dapp and would love to see others build it, share it here in the ideas discussion thread.